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Writer's picturekenneth

Horses sweat, men perspire but ladies only glow!

So goes a well known saying from (I think) Victorian times. Over the first week of this year’s Walkfest, our participants have had ample opportunity to discover whether or not this saying has a basis in fact.

Apart from a few minutes of rain during our launch walk, we have had hot dry weather all week. With temperatures peaking at or just above 30 degrees, it has actually been hot enough to put off a few people who would otherwise have joined in. However, once we get past the weekend, the forecasts are for a more temperate 20 degrees with gentle breezes to give a fresher feel to our walks. And that suits me fine!

Several of our walks in week two have routes that take in wonderful views from higher points around the area. For example, the Guildford Rambling Club walk on Sunday 10th includes the area around Ranmore and Polesden Lacey, the Guildford Ramblers are heading to Puttenham on Wednesday 13th and on Friday 15th, Surrey Hills Society (SHS) are leading a walk that includes the Hogs Back.

Although I may be biased, this SHS walk is rather special in that it combines local history and stunning views. Have you heard of the Kernow Stone or Bookers Tower or discovered that the tower was used by a Victorian amateur scientist and astronomer to undertake influential research into atmospheric electrical charges? Then add the stunning views that can be seen as the route traverses both the northwards and southward facing slopes of the Hogs Back. OK, there is a bit of a climb up from River Wey level in Guildford to the top of the Hogs Back but it is well worth the effort – and you can check out whether the title phrase is actually true!

All of this and much more is still to come in this years Guildford Walkfest – so why not take a look at the programme and join us for some stunning views, fascinating walks and friendly company.

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